Professor Mohammed Ihsan

Professor Mohammed Ihsan

Professor Mohammed Ihsan is a Kurdish Iraqi native, born and raised in Zakho. Been living and working throughout the world in many countries, such as: Iraq, UK, USA, Turkey, Sweden, South Korea , Jorden, Cyprus and Costa Rica.

Dr. Ihsan has unique work and education experience. As a former Minster, having held five ministerial positions, he’s also a university professor holding three doctorate degrees. As an author, he has written impressive numbers of books, publications, and research works.

Dr Ihsan is forward and direct thinking. A master of cultural diversity, he’s an expert in International law, post Genocidal studies, and Politics. In addition he has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills throughout his extensive and remarkable work experiences including positions on a Regional, National and Global level.

Key Political and Governmental Positions:
* (Minister) President of the General Board of Disputed Areas in Iraq, KRG, 2011–2015.
* (Minister) KRG Representative to the Iraqi Federal Government, KRG, 2007–2012.

*(Minister) for Extra Regional Affairs (2005-2007).
* Minister of Human Rights, KRG, 1999–2005.
* International Investigator for Genocide crimes in Iraq, KRG, 2001–2005.

Key Academic Positions:
* President, International University of Erbil (Kurdistan), 2015– 2019.
* Visiting Professor Near East University, Cyprus (Turkey), 2018 – present.
* Full Prof. Senior Research Fellow, King’s College in London (UK), 2015 – present.
* Full Prof. Honorary Research Fellow, University of Exeter (UK), 2015 – present.
* Visiting Professor University of Peace (Costa Rica), 2015 – present.
* Visiting Professor, Korean International University (South Korea), 2017 – 2018.

* University of London, UK, PhD of Philosophy in Cooperative Religion.
* University of Exeter UK, PhD of Philosophy in Political Science.
* University of London, UK, PhD of Philosophy in International Law.
* University of London, UK, Master’s Degree in International Law.

*University of London, SOAS, Bachelor’s Degree in Law.

* University of Mosul, Iraq, Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature.